Monday, November 18, 2013

How can it be November??

November! How can it be November? I thought I had just posted here, but realized I hadn't posted anything since the beginning of October. I've been so busy editing I haven't even thought about updating this blog.

With the holidays coming up, it's even more difficult to find the time to take care of the important but less critical aspects of work. My first duty is to get the manuscripts back to the authors in a timely manner. Since I'm a reading addict I haven't really booked any time for anything else. Must find balance!

My authors sometimes set goals far in advance. I admire that, though long term goals are a bit beyond me at the moment. So, a short term goal will be set.

This week I will be updating this blog with the rest of the books I've edited that have been published and what I thought of them.     :o)   Setting this short term goal is easy-peasy! We'll see if I am disciplined enough to put the reading/editing aside for a moment and fulfill the goal.

For anyone who has read about my houdini dogs, an update. We are still struggling to keep the 9 yr old chocolate labs in the yard. One in particular, Tuk, has decided he's too old to jump and climb over the six foot fences, so he'll burrow under. We now have an electric wire 6 inches from the ground all the way around the chain link fence. However, yesterday, he punched through another spot on the wood fence. Couldn't find the battering ram so we figure he just used his thick head. I think 6 foot solid metal fencing (if there is such a thing) that goes underground about 8 inches may be what we need. Not attractive, but maybe houdini dog proof!

We aren't quite ready to give up, but then, neither is Tuk!

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