Sunday, July 15, 2012

Twin Souls by K.A. Poe

Over the weekend I read Twin Souls by K.A. Poe and must say that I really liked it.

Ms. Poe's characters were real enough to visualize, a must for those of us who are visual learners! Alexis could have been the girl next door, well, until she found out there really ARE vampires! All of the characters invading the pages of Twin Souls behaved in a believable fashion. Although a bit like some other stories where the heroine finds out she's special and then finds a soul mate, there were enough differences to make this story Ms. Poe's very own.

The only real criticism of the book is that the love between Salem and Alexis rang a bit false in that it occurred so instantly. On the other hand, Alexis is 18 yrs old, and that is what a lot of 18 yr old people do. By keeping that in mind I was able to believe a bit more in the soul mate part of the story.

What I found truly believable of the 18 yr. old girl was the dropping out of school, forgetting to check the fridge, and I'm wondering about the paying of bills!

I will be looking for more from Ms. Poe.........totally worth reading.

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